Saturday, September 1, 2007

Top 5 places that suck more than Orlando

Well I get emails constantly from simpletons who think their city sucks MORE than Orlando.. most of the time it isn't true. In a few cases it IS... here they are

1. Detroit
2. Miami
3. Las Vegas
4. The 7th circle of hell (where the pedophoiles and rapist live)
5. New Orleans

Top 5 things fox shows you to distract you from their lack of news

Fox35 has a lot of tricks up their sleeve when it comes to hiding their lack of journalistic skills... they include:

1. Weather Babies
2. Pet of the week
3. Cool School of the week
4. Christeen Van Blockland
5. That footage of the guy driving through his garage when the undercover guys were there to arrest him.. They showed this footage during every commercial for the next two weeks after it happened. Then they did other news stories about that news story???? Give me a break!!